Wednesday 2 January 2013

Process Review

1. Which materials and techniques have you experimented with during the this project? 
2. Have you explored and developed your ideas imaginatively? How have you demonstrated this? (give examples, link to posts or include images) 
3. Have you research a diverse range of photography and completed this on your blog? Who have you analysed? is you analysis in-depth? (again give examples and link to posts) 
4. Have you explored a range of ideas around your theme within your experiments? What are they? How have they informed your ideas?
5. Have you refined / developed your outcomes through experimentation? How? 
6. Have you annotated, in detail, your experiments and developments on your blog and used this information to help you improve? 
7. Which techniques / experiments have been most successful? Why?
8. Which techniques / experiments have been least successful? Why?
9. Which techniques / experiments will you be developing further for your final outcome? Why? 
10. What else can you do to further develop the techniques / experiments you want to use for your final outcome? 

1.During this project I have experimented with Instagram effects, digital solarisation and darkroom solarisation. I want to develop my skills further with a lot more experimentation and use of different materials.
2. So far on this project I haven't really explored the imaginative side. Meaning that I haven't had a idea for what other techniques to use or what my final out come could be. Hopefully with a little bit more experimentation work with effects and materials, I want to create the best possible display. 
3.The photographers that I have looked at who have inspired me for this project have be documentary photographers Ben Thompson and Ronya Galka. Their photos are of life around London including buildings and people. I have taken some black and white images as well as digital so there is a wide range of effects. 
4.My theme is Architecture but I have also Incorporated in Documentary so it gives you a wide range of images within architecture. My ideas have ranged from a collage of the London buildings to the Christmas lights on the building and houses. I have switched between the two. 
5.I have had many ideas for this project but I have I have decided that my final idea is of all different buildings and adding different effects to them to get a range of photographs. From solarisation, to stitching to inking the image.
6.I have annotated all of my experiments and have uploaded them to my blog. I feel as though my in depth analysis is my down fall so if I have time, I may need to go back and write a little bit more fully about that I want to achieve and have I like about a particular photo. 
7.My most successful experiment was the digital solarisation, this is because of the amount of detial that the effect still gave the image. You could still see the outline of the houses and people, even with the alteration. And it was quite simple to do and follow. 
8. My least favourite experiment has to be the darkroom solariation, only because you cannot predicted whether or not the outcome will be perfect. This does take up alot of time and patients, but eventual outcome is great. I feel I just need to work a little harder on getting it right even if it takes time.
9.For my final outcome, I would like to use the solariastion technique and I would also like to use other experiments that I have done in the previous project such as ink stain the image, stitching in to the photo. I wan tot make a collection of images that have been experimented on differently with different materials and effects. 
10.The further development that I would like to achieve would be to keep on experimenting with my final photographs and with all sorts of effect and experiments to see what works really well and what does not. 

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