Wednesday 9 January 2013

My Possible Intentions...

My intentions for this project is to be able to develop a collection of photographs with four different effects adding to them. I feel I will be able to broaden my design ideas by using four different effects adding to a range of architecture and documentary images of buildings and moving cars.  


For the different techniques that I want to use in my final outcomes, are four different techniques that are solarisation,  ink and pinholes.

My first effect that I want to defiantly us is solarisation. This  is one effect and technique that I really enjoy doing because you can either do it digitally or in the darkroom. I really think solarisation will work really well on my negatives because of the architecture and documentary photographs that I have taken. Also another reason why I like this technique is because of the shadows and the greyscale that is being processed right in front of you. The amount of detail that is still shown through the effect, can create a new image entirely with the amount greyscale and shadows that have been formed.     

Another effect that I may also use is by adding an ink layer. I have used this effect before but I want to expand it slightly so that it gives me a better effect. I want to use this effect so that the ink can stain the image, to give you a colour and black picture, to make a sort of water-colour effect over the top of the original photograph. 

For my possible final effect is pinholes. This is a effect that I have used previously, but didn't really work out in my favour, so I would like to try again at creating this effect with better images. This is because I feel that the image I worked with before with using the pinhole dots was a little bit blur and was on paper not on photographic paper. The buildings and places that I have taken photographs I think that some of them would work really well, by adding another element into the photo. 

Hopefully I'll be able to use two out the four effects, if not all of them to use in my final outcome and will presented in a way that they all of the techniques and the photos will be able to be able to stand out.

Here on my Pinterest is some example of the effects that I want to use :) 


The presentation of this final outcome is important because it adds to your final ideas all rolled together. I want it to be able to show off each individual photograph and also 
with the techniques applied to them. 

One way that I want to present these images is to add them to foam board, so they are placed on to the board so the pictures are slightly raised off the page to make it look slight 3D, which will hopefully get peoples attention to look at my final piece. 
Another presentation idea was to have the photos with the same effect, hanging on a piece of string with a boarder of a film strip around in so it frame the final pictures. I really like this idea because once you can add the pieces of sting to a hanging mobile to it will be able to hang from a hight and maybe spin slowly in the air. 

Hopefully I will be able to achieve one of these presentational devices, even though just having the images stuccoed down to a piece of card isn't really appealing, with the effects that I have chosen it my look simple but effective.   

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