Monday 14 January 2013


Solarisation - Here are my solarisation prints, I have selected two images that I thought would work really well with the effect. I love the outcomes because you can still see the definition in the image. I love the tones of the images, because it gives it a slight bit of contrast between the detail. Even though I have used this experiment quite a lot in, I really enjoy creating solarised images, because of the outcome that you achieve, I almost looks ghostly and adds a bit of shimmer to the picture.  

Ink - With this ink effect, I only wanted to add it to sections of the photo, but as I soon realised it was much better when the ink was spread all over the image to get a whole new look giving them a define tone to the image. I chose turquoise and pink because they are really vibrant colours that grab your attention immediately, and I feel with the images that I applied the ink to, really created a new image completely and really captures your attention. 

Pinholes - And finally with the pinhole dots, I chose three different images that in my opinion would work with light shining behind them. I feel that each image has a uniqueness about it with having different amounts of pinholes giving the the images a shadow behind them. And again gives it an almost ghostly outcome. 

These experiments have been really useful because I shows that just by adding something some like a few pinhole dots, can turn that image into something completely different. With that in mind I may only take a the solarisation method to use in my final piece. I do like the other effects but I feel that this experiment will benefit more with my idea rather than having lots of different experiments all in one. Hopefully i will be able to use this techniques at some point in the future 

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