Thursday 24 January 2013

Evaluation of Personal Project


The brief we were given was to follow the same theme as we had in our Enhanced Image Project, mine was architecture. Then we could do anything we liked within that theme. I had many ideas for this project and produce 4 idea sheets. My ideas were quite different to each other but all related in one way. From the start of my idea sheets there were lots of experiments that I tried to achieve - different angles, slow shutter speeds, collage making and light. These were the main ideas for my ideas sheets.

The creative journey that I took was to experiment with lots of different techniques and see what could possibly work the best with architectural photos. With the ideas sheets I research into two different architectural photographers Ben Thompson and Royna Galka. They inspired me to use different angles and using long depth of field when I'm taking my photos. After looking at their work, I wanted to do lots of different experiments with different techniques that I have come across before, for example pinhole, ink toning and solarisation. I found this experiments really easy to create and follow the right steps to get the best possible experiments.

The photographer that has inspired me the most for this project is Graham Holland. Holland is a photographer that creates photomontage with cityscapes. When I was looking for collages to help me get inspired, I came across his work and I really liked it. The technique he uses is to take individual pictures of the buildings and the street views of people walking and merging them together to create a new image. I fell that this inspiration has definitely influenced my outcome, in the way that I have presented my work.

What I think that I have done well is they technical skills that I have improved on through out this project. I feel this because of the detail and contrast that has gone into taking the photographs; the different angles and depths of field, that I have taken into consideration. I decided to shoot in black and white instead of digital because I feel that I have a better range of photographs and have a better skill at taking black and white images. I am really happy with my final outcome because of how simply presented it is and have different elements to the piece for example cutouts of landmark photos.

If I could improve anything within my final outcome it would be to maybe expand it with more photographs and more cut outs, to get more eye-catching effect when people look at it. Also to have more photos of different buildings around London instead of having the same area photographed.

Overall I have found this project really easy to complete. I mean this by I made the decisions to make a photomontatge and where I went to take the photos. I found the techniques and effects I used really simple but I found that it really worked with the photographs that I had taken. Hopefully in the future I will be able to use techniques again and maybe create another photomontage like this.      

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