Saturday 23 June 2012

Geraldine Georges

As apart of more experimentation work we were supposed to look at Geraldine Georges images and work and re-create it in some way or another. Here is some of her work. I like her work because it is quite imaginative and shows a lot of emotion through the paint and photos she uses. 
 After looking at her work we then had to make a hand made version. We were put in groups and then had to decide where to place things, which paints to use and paper. This is the final outcome. We used a Big Ben cut out, with black and pink ink. Also we used black paint and a black circle. I like this handmade style of work because you can put your own stamp on it and even if you made a mistake you could easily recover and make it into something else.

Once we had created a hand made Georges inspired piece we then had to make our own one on photoshop. I used an image of London Bridge because I thought it would be quite interesting to see what could be created using a building. Here is the out come.

I like how in the photoshop image, you can define each brush that has been used and is slightly different. I also like the colours that i used because it contrast with Georges original images because they don't really have a lot of colour too them. All in all I like both techniques but I do prefer the hand made work, because it can be more inspirational as you can keep adding different things such as paint to it. 


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