Friday 22 June 2012

Norm Magnusson

For some more experimental work we were asked to re-create ideas inspired by Norm Magnusson, who makes nature more colour and makes you want to take 

Their work is very original all and very different because they have painted leaves and pine cones then arranged them into their natural surroundings, so if someone would to walk past a collection of flowers; they would notice that the yellow flower had blue petals as well. 

Another piece of nature they 're-design' is a shell/stone. By using brightly coloured stripes on the object you can defiantly tell that people will stop and stare at this new colourful item. 

<<Here are photos of some objects that I painted over and placed in their natural surroundings. 

The first photo I painted a leave in sections of orange green then blue, to get a blocked effect. Where I placed the leaf was near some leaves that were quite similar shape to the leaf I had, and it looks quite at home within the other leaves. 

The next nature object I painted was a pine cone, in yellow, red and green. I thought these colours would be quite complementary with one another. And where I placed the pine cone was was very bare, as the was nothing too distracting to unfocus the eye, when you look at see it in the tree.  

For the final image, I placed both the pine cone and leave in a bush together in the college grounds. This image shows that beneath the greenery of the bush you can clearly depicted the out burst of colours.

In my opinion I like that fact that just by painting an object can create such a  unique effect that people can take notice of, without releasing the affect that it has. 

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