Monday 18 June 2012

Typography Photograph

Once we had chosen out particular theme we wanted to continue with throughout the year, mine is portraiture, we had to make a typography based image using either  a photo of our own or one from the internet. I chose an image from the internet taken by Rankin, of a model face.

I firstly uploaded the image to photoshop and made the original photo into a mid-tone and highlighted image. Then i made a text layer which was of the different options we could chose the carry on with in A2, copied and pasted over and over again. Once I made the text layer into a stamp, I re-sized the brush setting to get different sizes of the text all over the image; making some lighter or darker than the others. 
After that I added some colour to the image, I used a mixture of yellow, red and blue to create my final effect. I also made sure that the outline of the models face was very much in detail. 

All in all I really like this style of work, meaning that you can take this experiment and add it to any photograph and, you would still be able to see the original image amongst and behind the text and bright colours you've used. 

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