Friday 22 June 2012

Jan von Holleben

As part of more experimental work we looked into Jan von Halleben work, which involves taking an image of a scene of people acting it out on the ground. For example here is some Von Holleben work that he has made using children and adults acting out different scenes, using different textured material and all sorts of objects to make a image that will be remembered. 

<< Here are some of the steps we took as a class to create to pictures. We firstly had to set up our scene using different materials such as cotton wool, black cloth, blue plastic bags and all kinds of coloured paper.

We set up our arrangement on the college ground floor so we could get the feel of taking a photo from such a high place, e.g the second floor stairs. 

These are our final images. >>>

This scene was to show someone swimming away or being scared of a shark coming towards them in the middle of the sea. I like the use of materials and that it was quite easy to create once we pictured an idea in our heads. If there was anything to change it would be to make the scene a lot bigger to try an get more people in one photograph. 

With this photo, the way that it was created was having a very simple idea but expressing it in many ways, by making 3 completely different photos using the same objects is quite a genius idea that doesn't take a lot of time. 

All in all I really like Von Holleben work was it is unique and very different to any other photographer and artists. 

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