Tuesday 30 April 2013

Inspiration for Final Outcome

My final idea for the exam theme of Inside, Outside and Inbetween, is going to be the development of depression and the symptoms of OCD. The reason why I have chosen to pursue this subject is because of the inner turmoil that goes on in someones mind that you may no specifically see when you meet them. I feel this topic of depression and OCD will show a side to what people do with a particular disorder, for example counting or repeating words silently. Two main influences for the this was the film 'One Hour Photo' and 'The Beautiful Mind'. 

 One Hour Photo is about an employee of a one-hour photo lab becomes obsessed with a young suburban family. As you can see the arrangement that he has made by his obsession with the family is plastered over a wall. The neatness of the photos are in straight rows and columns that suggests that the character has a obsessive compulsive disorder. Also if you look carefully at the images you can see they are almost in a colour-chronological order, seeing groups of the same colours in the photographs in a certain section.        

The Beautiful Mind After a brilliant but asocial mathematician accepts secret work in cryptography, his life takes a turn to the nightmarish. This image above shows a wall covered in notes, photos of his cryptography work. I like the way that it has been presented because it shows not just a range of photograph, also text that connect with the pictures.

I feel that both One Hour Photo and The Beautiful Mind are good story examples of people that have either OCD or become unstable or obsessed with certain people or things. I think that these two films have really inspired me in a way that I can present my work. I like they way that a whole wall has been covered with lots of photos in a symmetrical way or with text and notes. My presentation that I will create with my photos will be with incorporating text, different techniques such as double exposure, selective development, handmade negatives, and also maybe stitching into the photos with certain words that may represent with that particular photo.

There is not a particular photographer that has really inspired me as such, but Cluine Reid is one artist that has used text and handwritten words in her images to basically describing what is in her photographs.  Also as I have been researching more into OCD that can affect people, and that has really inspired me to go outside the boxes of OCD and focus a little more on depression. Depression can be caused by so many things and I feel that the photographs that I have taken using the SLR camera will really compensate with the presentation outcome and also the theme of the exam. The images that I have taken is like a cycle of how people can be effected by depression how what people are think can really effect their actions or even how they treat people.     

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