Wednesday 8 May 2013


  • IDEAS & CONCEPTS: How have your ideas changed over the course of the project? Explain your initial ideas and original intentions explaining how they have developed over time, making sure that you LINK THIS BACK TO THE EXAM THEME AND EXPLAIN HOW YOUR IDEAS REFLECT THE THEME OF INSIDE, OUTSIDE, IN-BETWEEN?
Over the project I feel that I ideas have changed due to having different paths to follow. When I first started off this project I looked at movement and light and how that linked in with the exam theme of Inside, Outside and Inbetween. I also looked into the five senses, this has a little bit to do with my final idea. Through looking at different starting points and looking at different photographers work I feel that I have developed over time with my potential ideas and my fink idea. 

  • PHOTOGRAPHER INSPIRATION: Discuss how your ideas have been influenced by key photographers or artists you have looked at. Did the exhibition trip inspire your ideas at all? Did you find any photographers that took your work on a totally different path? WHICH PHOTOGRAPHER INSPIRED YOUR FINAL PIECE THE MOST?
I looked at many photographers and artist during this project, one being Andrew Warrender. He worked a lot with OCD photography which really did inspire me for an experiment and for my final outcome. I like his work because it is very vibrant and has a lot of character. Another Photographer that I loved the work of was on the trip; Jurgen Teller's Woo! exhibition. One piece of work that I really loved was his photograph of Kurt Cobain. I love how simple and natural the musician looks. Even though Cobain's face isn't showing, you can still see a lot of emotion in the way he is sitting. The photographers inspiration that I liked the look of and there for became my final inspiration was Clunie Reid's work. She using collage techniques, with different size image and text to compensate with each other. 

  • EXPERIMENTATION & DEVELOPMENT: How did the different experiments that you did throughout the project influence your ideas and final piece? 
I have experimented a lot within this project with digital and darkroom. For digital experimenters I took some OCD photographs of different situations that people do for example locking the door, washing hands, hoarding things. I like this in-depth image of why people do these types of things. It because they want to be safe. Some darkroom experiments that I accomplished was selective developing, having one part of the image in focus and the background not, making handmade negatives with salt and washing up liquid. Also I used a lot of cutting experiments once I had the prints developed to create different types of collages. Some of these experiments have influenced my chosen techniques that I will use in my final outcome, because I feel that they will work well with my theme with Inside, Outside and Inbetween. 

  • CONCLUSION: Comment on your overall thoughts about the project. Did you find the exam theme easy / difficult? Did you enjoy working on your prep work? Do you think you will be pleased with your final outcome when it is complete?
I found this exam theme quite hard to begin with because I didn't really understand how I could incorporate the theme into photographs, but after looking at different starting point I began to feel more confident with the theme. I did enjoy some of the prep work, more so the experiments because it gave me different ways on how to work with techniques. I think I will be please with my final outcome because I have put  a lot of effort into my final ideas and hopefully the grade I will achieve will be benefited with the work that I have put into the exam theme of INSIDE, OUTSIDE & INBETWEEN!!!

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