Monday 22 April 2013

One photographers work that I came across while looking for more research into the world of obsessive compulsive disorder was Andrew Warrender. He has described his collection of work as a 'Self initiated project visualising and communicating Obsessive Compulsive Disorders through repetitive rituals. Quotations and rhythmic images convey the confusion and emotional pain of the sufferers.' He has captured many things that people do that have OCD, for example washing hand repeatedly for a certain amount of time and arranging coins. Below is a selection of photos digitally enhanced with some colours added to the images to bring a more vibrant feel that really compensates well with each individual. Starting from left you can see a group of images of someone washing their hands repeatedly in different positions so you get the sense of the person washing their hands constantly. The next strip of images is of someone changing the time on an alarm clock multiple times, so they know they have definitely set the time correctly. The third set of pictures is of someone locking the door. People do this to many times over and over again because they believe that fell more secure and at peace with themselves if they lock the door more than once. As you can see the next selection of images is of coins being arranged in size order or even date order of when the count was made. Finally you can see a light switch being turned on and off. 

With all of this photographs are so precise in what they are in focused in. Also the colour that have been added to all of the selection of photos works really well and seems to make the images stand out more from the page. I like the concept of this particular idea because it is so different to what I have seen before. Andrew Warrender has really created something that has caught my eye in capturing the signs and symptoms of OCD and depression, which is really inspiring to see.       

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