Monday 29 April 2013

Clunie Reid

Clunie Reid is a photographer and artist that works with collage techniques to create abstract pieces of work such as these three pieces of work below. By adding text to the photos bring a sense of personal issues to image and some how makes it stand out more. In the first image you can see a picture of actress Nicole Kidman in black and white, with a phrase written over it, making it seem that the model has actually wrote the words herself. Also the words looks childlike and hand written so it becomes more abstract. To the right of that image is the same picture and words written over it, but have had black-marker pen covered up most of the photo, making the image more dark and mysterious. The next picture is a similar style to the first photo, with text covering the whole background image of the model. However this text is quite bold and noticeable and looks stencil like, rather than handwritten. I quite like the similarities of colours and effect between the fore and background; because the background is quite dominate in the way that the model is looking hurt and depressed, whereas the foreground with the words 'Gon An Dunna Runna' is very much bold and the centre of attention in this piece. I like the way that the words can relate to the crying girl and it all links together. The final image by Reid that I quite like is this photograph of a girl that is piratically laying on the floor in an empty room. The text that have been added to the image are handwritten indications to what you can actually see in the photograph. I like the concept of this layout design because it gets straight to the point and you dont need to be worrying about what the actual photograph is about.             

All in all I like the concept of all this design involving pieces of text that can make the photograph more dynamic and sometimes personal. I feel that I can possibly use Cluine Reid as inspiration for the techniques of wriging on top of my photos, connecting to the OCD and depression theme. 

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