Tuesday 12 February 2013

More Movement & Light Analysis

Here is a website that I have found that has many different types of photographs involving reflection and light. >< 

This image above is one that I found on this website that caught my attention first. I really like  the way that the liquid in the glass reflects the' mountain range' in the background. I also love the amount of focus of that is directed to the glass. You can still see detail in the background but what draws you in the most is the crisp focal point of the glass. I really like this type of photography because it is quite simple to create but you have to be so accurate with getting the right angle of the reflection of the backdrop in the glass. I would like to experiment with creating something like this to see how easy or hard it can be to get a photo as stunning as this. 

This next image is a mixture of light and reflection. I like how the image was taken at night so you get the best possible opportunity to use the fairground lights. I love the reflections that the lights make on the water, because it grabs you're attention as you begin to look down the image, you automatically become attracted to the bottom section. I love this image as the camera has captured a really unique effect, with one click. You can see alot of detail in the image and all of the picture is in focus instead of having two different depths of field.


This final photograph is my favourite that I have found. This is because of the how beautiful the curved mirrored object gives you a panoramic view of the cityscape behind the camera. I love the way the people in the reflective image look almost like silhouettes, making you wonder if they are actual people there. I also love the colour saturation that has been used in the photo, it might have been edited on photoshop but I really love they way it has worked well with image. 

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