Friday 22 February 2013

Analysis - The 5 Senses

Carston Witte is one photographer that I have been really drawn too, this photo is a reason why!! I really like how the model is wearing hardly any make-up, so by adding the skull design on top of her face works more naturally and look are stunning. I also like how the photo has been taken black and white as I feel it gives the model a more define look and stands out. Witte technical skills are really simple but his final outcome is very impressive and instantly grabs your attention. I would like to experiment with this sort of photograph because you could either use double exposures to get this same effect. Or even paint on the skull carefully. I love this photographers work.   

Adam Fuss is a strange photographer in my opinion because of what he takes pictures of. At a first glance you can see two rabbit silhouettes and what looks like bits of food or leaves. As you look closer you can see that the image is a photogram of rabbits with the insides placed around them. I find this image very hard to look at, but in some respect that the quality of the picture is really good because you can definitely identify what is in the photo.  

Sarah Illenberger is the final photographer that I have looked into for the five senses. I love this photo because you can see it is an apple but you soon realise that the apple is covered in hair. I think this is a amazing idea of trying to portray the sense. This is because normally when you see an apple you would want to eat it, but seeing it with hair wrapped around it, you instincts is to turn it away. Sarah's creations of different foods covered or turned into something is really imaginative. I like this concept alot. 

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