Friday 15 February 2013

David Bailey

Jack Nicholson

David Bailey CBE is a one of the best British photographers. He has taken some of the most famous photos of different celebrities and the one above is one of them. This picture is of actor Jack Nicholson who is most famous for being in films The Shining and The Departed. I like this image as I feel that it shows a lot of expression, which can convey many meanings. When I first look at this image, I automatically see anger because of the way that he's face looks sort of distorted and disgruntled. I also get the impression that he is upset, as his eyes seem to be squashed together more closely, looking like he is about to burst into tears. Another reason why I like this photo is because of the lighting Bailey has used to light up one half of Nicholson's face and not the other. This gives clear indication on how well black and white photograph work well more than colour in my opinion. I feel that the contrast between the darker part and the lighter part of the image work really well together, this is because of the amount of detail shown throughout the picture. Even though you can see more detail within the lighter part of the shot, you can still distinguish a lot of detail in the darker half of the image. Of course the main focus of this photo is of course Nicholson's facial expression, but within that you can also see a lot of definition within the face. The lines on his forehead are very prodominate in detail and makes the image come to life, and making it more than just a picture. When I look at this image I automatically feel the pain that he his expressing in his face, and with the lighting as well, it makes you more drawn into an image. Whereas if this image was taken with rubbish lighting or not had been taken in focus, I wouldn't be taken in as much as I am now. I defiantly feel that the light and the model expressions are really inspiring to captivate in creating them in a different way. 

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