Wednesday 13 February 2013

Colour Theory photos

Here are my colour theory photographs. I have taken all of these photographs using a digital camera. I have edited them all slightly in Adobe Photoshop, so that I could improve or even change the way that they look. As I have researched into Colour Theory, I wanted to give this images a new diminution that was expressing a lot of colour. 

For this image above, its original was a lot darker, so I have changed the exposure slightly and added a pink tint so it looks slightly more pink than it should be.

For this next image I only edited the colour of the street lamp that was shining through. Even though the light its supposed to be yellow, I changed it so it was a vibrant green so it could catch more attention. 

This next image, I changed the whole picture to a brownish green, I then used the magic wand tool to erased the sky, taking it back to its formal state of being blue. So it looks the person looking at this photo can only see two colours.   

Finally this is last photograph that I edited. All I did to this image was changed the whole picture to black and white. Then I deleted the grey from the actual roses so that the flowers would be the only colour that 

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