Monday 25 February 2013

First Prints

Here are my prints from my first black and white film for this exam project. There is a range of different photographs relating to the theme of Inside, Outside & InBetween, they are Animals, OCD and Reflection.

These first selection of photos are of a drawings of a farm animals, Cow, Lamb and a Pig. I wanted to try and create something that involves what is actually inside the animals body. As you can see I used a strip of bacon for the pig, a piece of steak for the cow and liver for the lamb. With the different parts of the animals with contrast with the drawings, making them slightly more life like. I placed the meat/organs on top of cling film which I laid on top of the drawing. The only light I used was the kitchen, making the piece of paper seem more bright and part of the image light up. I took these photographs from a quite a height so that I could get al of the image in. I got the image in focus, then had the aperture on about 8 and had the shutter speed between 1/250s and 1/60s. I again adjusted the focus again so know for sure that picture below was crisp. Once developing the film and printed the image, you can see where the kitchen light as almost has hidden apart of the image or made the even lighter.

My next idea was to take pictures of peoples hands. This expresses OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) meaning which some people need to turn the light switch on and off a certain amount of times, washing their hands thoroughly and locking/opening the front door multiple times. I decided to take photographs of this because I feel like it shows what people are thinking or need to do a certain amount of times, but you may not think they do these things when you look at them. With all of this photos I got really up close so that only the hand was in focus and everything around it was blurred or out of focus. This shows good depth of field. For the lighting I used natural light only. However I feel if I were to change anything about these collection of photographs, it would be to shot them again but with a poised table lamp. This is where I can change the position of the light and giving different shadows in the photos.  

Here is my final photograph that I took. This shows an image of myself taking a picture in a mirror. This relates to the theme of inside, outside and in between, because the reflection of myself shows what its between me, the camera and the mirror. Even though this was a last minute idea to take a portrait of myself, it still links within the theme. If I had more time to come up with a more detail approach to taking a self portrait, meaning having different lighting set up, or even making a double exposure in the camera having two self portraits but with me moving slight over to the right to get a more experimental feel.    

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