Tuesday 4 December 2012

Ronya Galka​ ​Photog​raphy

Ronya Galka is another photographer that has also inspired me to take photographers of London. For example this first image I really like because of the weather condition that it is in. The fact that it has been snowing also added to the effect of the amount of the people around. This is because normally there would be lots of people walking up and down this road, so being about to capture the weather environment as well as the the Houses of Parliament as well is very effective. You can see there is a lot of detail and definition going on in this photo within the snow on the ground and the building as well. 

This next image is another favourite of mine because of the night sky and the location as well. Even though the main focus point is the old women on the bench, I also think its the lights of 'HoP' are a big feature too.  The reason why I think this is because of how dark the image actually is, but by having the lampposts on and the light reflecting in to the river from the building, making the picture come alive in someway or another.  

This final image is got a bit of everything in it from Nelson's Column leading down to Big Ben and the embankment. Even though the main attraction in this photo is the couple on the steps, I feel that but capturing the different architectural buildings and monuments really makes the image look and feel more special. There is a good use of depth of field and that everything is in focus even from a long distance. I really do like this picture because it combines architectural and documentary photography together.

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