Tuesday 11 December 2012

Digital Solarisation

For some digital experimentation for my personal project, I took some photographs around London of all the buildings with the Xmas lights on. I though this was a good opportunity to take them at night so you could see the architecture lit up in the dark. Below are the five best original photos that I took. 

Even though I took this pictures as experiments, I wanted to make them more outstanding to look at so I edited them on Photoshop and turned them into solarisation images. Firstly what I done was turned the picture into black and white and played around with the contrast. Then I added a curve to the image this meant that I was making the picture more grey and adding a lot more detail to the black and white areas of the photo. After that I added another curve to get more definition, then finally added a level. This meant that I was controlling the amount of black, white and grey scale into the different areas of the photograph. Here are my final outcomes.

The top two pictures are my favourite because of how in focus the camera was with the building and the big wheel. I really like the solarisation effect because it adds more definition to the photograph and makes it more eye-catching. I really love the use of Solarisation so I may use this technique for the personal project, because this technique has worked well for me in the past so hopefully it will help me get the best possible grade with the best pictures that I take. 

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