Monday 10 December 2012

First Film Experiments

Here is the test strip of the fist roll of film that I shot. As you tell each individual photo needs to have a different timing and different aperture setting. What I took photos of were of different angles of a house e.g high angles, low angles. I also took photographs of an early morning when it was raining with lots of traffic. This made the lights on the cars  shine on the ground and reflect on the wet surfaces.  

These are 4 of the best photos off of the test strip that I took. Two were taken in the rain and the others were taken when it was just becoming dark.  I though it would be a good idea to take some photos in the rain because of the effect the wet surface would give the light bouncing onto the ground. I also think that the moving cars have added to the effect of the final image, because of the shutter speed i had the camera on. Hopefully this first roll of film will help me over come problems when it comes to processing my final film to get the best possible photographs. 
For some experiments on some on the photographs I decided yo make two of the best prints into solarisation prints.  Solarisation is a effect in photography in which the image recorded on a negative or on a photographic print is partially reversed in tone. Dark areas appear light or light areas appear dark. I choose these to images because I felt that they would work best. I prefer the top image because of the definition that has been brought out by solarising it. You can see the wet surface really well on this and also where it was raining so much you can see little droplets on the camera, which also adds something to the final image.

I really want to continue with making solarisation photographs for the mock exam because I feel that I could develop more of a higher mark by using the best photo and the right experiments. 

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