Tuesday 4 December 2012

Ben Thompson Photography

Ben Thompson is a photographer that has inspired me to take photographers of different architecture at night with their lights shining and all lit up. Here are three of my favourite images that he has taken around London of some of the iconic tourist attractions.  

The first image is of the O2 arena and the buildings up and down the river at twilight. He has captured all the lights lit up along the river and in the background as well to create a perfect scenery. Also the blueish/purple sky adds to the effect and makes the lights seem more bright and eye-catching. This is my favourite photo of Thompson's, but if I had any criticism it would be just to capture the Arena with out some of the many lights. 

Another photo that I really like by Ben is this one of the Houses of Parliament. The main reason why I love this photograph is the light reflecting onto the water. This is because of how something so simple can be so effective to look at. Another reason why I like this photo is because of the detail that the camera has captured of the building. The clouds in the sky are very dominate as well as you can just about see them fade away into the night sky.>

The final image that I really like is this one of the London Eye. One particular reason why I like this image is because of the slow shutter speed that has been used. If you look closely you can just about see the wheel slightly blurred, which means that Ben has captured the same image for a number of seconds or even longer to get the wheel seem like it has been moving. Also I like the different buildings lights in the background it added to the outcome of the picture and makes the 'Eye' more impressive.

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