Thursday 28 March 2013

Collage Techniques

Here are three collage techniques that I created for more experimentation work. Two have been film using the app iMotion on the iPad, to show the process of how I made it.

The first technique is called Torn Collage, which basically is ripping up photographs and dropping them from a height and sticking them in the position that they landed in. After they had been glued, I used three different coloured paints and swirled them over the pictures. I also added tissue paper to the collage to give it more texture. I like this experiment because you can literally add anything and everything to the collage, and it can be very imaginative. If I could improve on anything it would be just to even have the photographs spread out so they didn't look so bunched up together.

For the second experiment I cut up a photograph of someone in different shapes and sizes and rearranged the image so that you could not be able to tell what the original image was. This is called Cubomainia. I filmed the process also on iMotion so you can see how I created the final collage. If I could improve on anything it would be to use all of the pieces of picture that I cut up or even try having to different images I could cut up and rearrange them together. 

For the final collage technique, as a group we had to create a Exquisite Corpse, which is basically, using different images of people of objects to create a person. One person would design the head fold the paper over, past it on to someone who would then make the body and then they would give it to the final person who would created the legs. You would eventually get a unique image from different images or drawings that have created the collage. With my exquisite corpse I would add more things onto it to make it more attractive in they way that people will take notice. 

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