Saturday 3 November 2012

Evaluation of Final Outcome

Our project brief was to choose a particular area of photography that really interested us. I choose Architecture because I thought it would be a good opportunity to see different buildings, houses and statues around London and where I live. When I first heard of this project, my plan was to make my theme about Portraiture. However with different experiments that I created with portraits, I felt that it didn't really work well with he experiments, so i changed it to Architecture. The title of this particular project was called The Enhanced Image, this is meant by using different techniques or different experiments working well with the photographs we would going to take.

My creative journey through this project was starting off with a theme that i really wasn't happy with continuing with that theme, so i decided to change it to Architecture as i found that it was easy but more challenging to create more experiments with. When i finally changed my theme, i found that the experiment that i came across were a lot more exciting and more appealing. From start to finish of my ideas for my final project changed quite a bit from Portrait to Architecture, double exposures to 3D design. The research I did into the artist and photographers were very helpful because they gave me the opportunity to explore different techniques and making my outcome unique.

The artist and photographers that inspired me the most were Markus Kison and Leslie David

Markus Kison is a artist that i discovered in the AS to A2 project. He is an artist that takes photographs of people or buildings, then makes them into a pop-up design. This means that he cuts around the figure and pushes up the cut out image so it is standing. After that he takes photos of the 3D design in different angles to get a very professional outcome.  The other artist that I looked into was Leslie David. She is an artist and photographer that takes photos of buildings and people, then adds a splash of colour to the picture. When I say she adds colour to the image, i mean she puts paint onto the image and with an object rather than a paint brush she squishes the paint onto a part of the photo, giving the paint a detail and raised effect. My main focus was of course making pop-up photos with the Black and White prints then a small amount of detail went into making digital photos more effective with the paint. 

In my opinion, I think what i have done well is explored many different experiments digital and hand made techniques. I feel that the final outcome of my work was good. However I feel I could of put a little bit more effort into making the final design. This is because i felt like it was a last minute decision to add David's work into Kison's, as i felt i didn't do enough pop-up designs. I feel that my outcome that i did achieve was good, but if i had a clear idea in my head of the time i had i  would of worked a little bit harder to get the perfect result. 

What I know i can work on is the time issues, as i could of done with a little longer to get it they way i wanted it to me. I would of also made a lot more 3D pop-ups designs, and taken a lot more photographs of them. By having them at different angles and maybe making some digital pop-ups instead of just black and white images. 

In conclusion, i feel that i did my best to complete the Enhanced project. I loved doing all of different experiments some more than others. Working in the darkroom again with different techniques, and also a lot more digital experiments. All in all i have enjoyed this project because it has showed me that there are many way to enhance an image, some being so simple and some being very technical.   

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