Sunday 14 October 2012

Darkroom Solarisation

Solarisation is basically developing a photo until you can see a part of the image then exposing the image to light for a few seconds then putting in back into the developer to see the final outcome. 
Here are two photographs that have be solarised at different timings to get a more detailed effect on the page: 

The first image that i decided to solarise was the side of a church that i took a photograph of. I though this would be a great starting point as it has a lot of detail and could really display a good oppotunity to see the solarisation come through properly. As you can see  the top photo is much more detailed then the image below. This is because of the amount of time I gave the image was a lot shorter giving the second picture a less solarised effect, but i still think the first attempt of these prints were quite good.

For the next solarised experiment I did, i choose another image of the church but from a different angle. I decided to make 4 solarised images of the original photo. I made sure for each different photo i made the timing for each one making the time increase by a second or two. I really like this experiment because of the different effect that it gives to the photo of the church. Also the amount of detail that is displayed is very powerful in the way that different pictures show different amounts of features of the church in many areas of the photo.  

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