Tuesday 18 September 2012


For some more experimentation work, we were asked to follow four tutorials on how to enhance photographs using different manipulation techniques. These effects were called Vignette, Instagram Nashville, The Ultimate Lomo and finally the HDR effect on Adobe Photoshop.

Firstly we have the Vignette effect, this constrains the image so that the edges around the main part of the picture is slightly black, giving all the attention to the centre part of the photo. I feel that the picture that I have used works really well with the Vignette effect. The reason why I decided to choose this photo of the Olympic/Paralympic flame for this digital manipulation was because of how powerful the photograph was on its own, but by just adding a tiny bit extra it make the image become more eye-catching, and worth having a second glade at it.  

This was the second 
photograph that I digitally manipulated was using the Instagram Nashville effect. Everyone has seen Instagram photos either on Facebook or Twitter and they all seem to like the effect that it does to the picture. Out of all the photos that I have taken of architecture I feel as if this photo of the Orbit in the Olympic Park, was the best one that would work well with the Nashville technique. The technique was very understandable, because the set of instructions were easy to follow about how to create the final outcome. I love how the red of the building is really bright and dominates the picture. This stands out quite a lot and it is very eye-catching. Also I really love the Nashville effect because even though everyone is using this way of changing the photo only recently, you can still can get a vintage style look photo. 

Next, I then had to recreate the Ultimate Lomo effect which I found the most difficult to master. I found that even with the different photos that I choose to work with this effect, I still didn't like how the final outcome came out. The photo that I finally choose was of the BasketBall arena in the Olympic/Paralympic park, with lots people walking past it. As for the first experiment i used the Vignette effect to create some of the black edges around the original picture, then on photoshop I played around with the different settings such as brightness/contrast, levels and curves to get an unusual result. It does look very effective when you look at it because of how white the building is and how detailed the people walking by are in contrast to the arena as well. 

The final experiment using digital manipulation was HDR effect, I also like this effect because it is very detailed and very clever in the way that it brought the different tones of the original photograph. In Photoshop I made a duplicate copy of the original image and depicted the mid-tones, hight-lights and shadows in the picture. I also adjusted the contrast and saturation in the image to get a better image. I really wanted to experiment with using the shadows and highlights so that it would bring the best out of the picture. Near the end of the HDR manipulation effect, I wanted to add a little bit of colour into it, by doing this it meant that I was making the picture a hint of one particular colour. I choose to go for a little bit of orange. My decision for this was because, when took this photo it was a hot summers day in the Olympic/Paralympic park, with lots of being walking around seeing this one lifetime oppatunity. Also in the background you can see the Velodrome. 

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